Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Lester's Reflection

This group assignment was to produce a video to help teach an idea or concept.  The journey of this assignment was indeed an interesting one which involved lots of wonderful experiences and lessons.  At first there was a bit of conflict of interest as to the choice of concept, but after careful consideration and much discussion we decided on the concept of Personal Hygiene.
We started off by filming a scene in the school and we were privileged to have obtained the assistance of our class mates in playing roles for that scene and shooting the scene.  After a few takes, I thought that we were ready to take on the rest of the video production but little did I know, there were other challenges ahead.  We subsequently rendezvoused at one of our member’s house to continue filming and continue working on our assignment.   One of the challenges we faced was stabilizing the camcorder.  Not having a tripod made it difficult to keep the camcorder from shaking however we did our best to keep it stable.  The lighting in the different shooting areas (rooms) was also a challenge for us in filming the scenes so we did what we could with our bit of knowledge and skill to acquire the best lighting we could have obtained.   Another challenge we overcame that I will never forget is that in the process of working diligently, hunger struck or as we say “the Kong stricked” but we easily overcame that challenge as one of our competent members fixed us lunch, “boy dat fri-rice come dong!”  We created a blog which at first attempt was incomplete but with diligent effort and modification was made complete.  We also did adjustments to the lesson plan and the storyboard that were constructed previously.  I personally had lots of fun drawing and coloring the pictures for the storyboard. 
I am thankful for this assignment.  It brought out our creativity and caused us to use our different skills to organize ideas for incorporating technology in the teaching of Personal Hygiene.  I am grateful for my team members (Kate, Kisha, Fercinta) who were versatile and cooperative, kudos to you.  I’m also grateful to my fellow classmates for their contributions in one way or another and to our lecture Mr. Emmanuel for timely feedback.  I am of the conviction that as a result of this assignment, we the upcoming teachers will be better equipped and competent to make teaching and learning a fun and meaningful experience.

Lester ‘Delbot’ Joseph

Monday, 9 December 2013

Kisha's Reflection


This end product produced is very dear to me. Creating this resource to me was a blessing as well as a strain. It took my sweat, long nights up, several meetings with class mates, long hours editing lesson plan and shooting and creating the video.  Despite the difficulty I shared some laughter, I explored, learn and experience new resources.
We started firstly by brainstorming various ideas and topics until we agreed upon one topic, grade level, and subject area. After this was established, we begun putting up ideas as to what we would want our lesson to be like and how video will be useful to it.  The objectives were brought to the entire class where it was constructively critic by the lecturer and fellow colleagues. From there we moved on to make necessary correction to the objectives and the lesson plan.
In addition, we sat down as a group and laid out a story board for the video. The first tapping we did was the scene in the males’ bathroom at the college. As a group we tapped and directed the scenes. After tapping the records for the video we went back to our story board to make necessary adjustments. Following this was the most tedious task of editing and creating the video. The program Corel Studio Pro x3 was used to cut, mixed and add sound effects and text to create the video.
While we were creating the video, we created a group blog. First I went to the Dynamics Teachers’ blog where I followed the instructions from a video on how to create a blog. Following the instructions carefully our blog was created.

Though this was a daunting task we were able to overcome it and produce such a product. Team work brought this end product together. 

Fercinta's Reflection

The process of video production was not an easy road. The first segment that was shot was done in the school and it was very good in terms of portraying the content and collaboration from everyone. The first video generated enthusiasm from the other team members and everyone was ready to shoot subsequent clips.
On a Friday, Kate, Lester and I all assembled at Kisha’s home in Grande Ravine to film the video. It was indeed a lengthy but fun process. One of the major problems was having to comprehend the actual technological software.  We had to face the reality that video production involved a lot more than what one would initially have thought. We had to keep in mind the different camera angles, issues with light, keeping a steady hand with the camera, and of course, using video editing software Corel Studio Pro x3 to bring it all together.

 YouTube was indeed very helpful; providing many tutorials which made going through the process a lot easier. We tried to incorporate sound effects, transitions and music to make the video as close to a professional product as was possible.
To create the blog, we first had to get a google email account to create our blog. Creating a blog was not difficult, however, it was some time before we were able to figure out how to share it with Mr. Emmanuel. We also try to put in pictures and videos and this was quite easy to do.
Despite the work load, I was willing to put in the effort as in today’s era, many learners are growing up technologically savvy.  As a teacher, I can see the relevance and usefulness of the video in present day classrooms. The video that we created could also be shared with teachers within the school and other schools.
Now that the process has come to an end, what was regarded previously as an impossible and daunting task ended up being quite fun; time consuming and gruelling, but fun none the less. Whatever I have learnt while trying to accomplish this feat can definitely be used in the ICT classroom; propelling us forward in teaching and learning.

Kate's Reflection


This EDET group assignment was a lot of work and time consuming. We had to be working on it and other group assignments while preparing for final exams, this was challenging.

First of all, we had to select a topic to create our video, we decided on Personal Hygiene. We then had to create a storyboard for the video.  After, conferencing with our lecture, we revisited the storyboard and made the necessary corrections.

The next step was to prepare a lesson plan to teach a specific grade level, Grade One, personal hygiene. The video had to be integrated in the lesson plan. I presented the lesson plan, which our group prepared, to the class. The lecture and classmates gave us feedback on our lesson plan. We then used the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy to edit our lesson plan’s objectives and activities.

Then, we began working on the video, selecting the days and different settings to record our video. We recorded the first part of our video at the school and went to Kisha’s home to record some more scenes. Recording the video was a lot of work but we had some great laughs during the process.

The video editing software, Corel Studio Pro x3, was used to edit the video but, oh my, I was lost and felt so bad that I couldn’t use the software. My group members, who were better at using this software, did the editing and I shared ideas that help towards editing the video.

Finally, a blog had to be created to post and share the video. I thought to myself, “oh no, another technology application. But after, our lecture explained; what the blog is and how to create one, I was excited about having a blog and commenting on the blog of others.  I got help from my group members to create my Google account in order for me to access the blog.

Despite, the hard work and sleepless nights, we had some fun working on the assignment. Well done team “Hygiene”.

Hygiene Quiz

Click here for quiz

This quiz was created on Quiz Global.com. We wanted to keep the quiz simple enough for students ages 6-7. We did experience a little difficulty in adding pictures to supplement the text, however, the quiz includes a combination of multiple choice questions and true or false items which they would be able to complete. There are six items in this quiz. This test could be administered after at the end of a lesson or unit or as a method of revision. In addition, students can take the test at home with the assistance of parents or at the school with the help of the Information Technology teacher. The program would allow the student to check their score at the end of the quiz and the teacher to also monitor the student's work.

Bad Hygienic Practices Video

Story Board

                                 Click this link to view the storyboard.