Monday, 9 December 2013

Kate's Reflection


This EDET group assignment was a lot of work and time consuming. We had to be working on it and other group assignments while preparing for final exams, this was challenging.

First of all, we had to select a topic to create our video, we decided on Personal Hygiene. We then had to create a storyboard for the video.  After, conferencing with our lecture, we revisited the storyboard and made the necessary corrections.

The next step was to prepare a lesson plan to teach a specific grade level, Grade One, personal hygiene. The video had to be integrated in the lesson plan. I presented the lesson plan, which our group prepared, to the class. The lecture and classmates gave us feedback on our lesson plan. We then used the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy to edit our lesson plan’s objectives and activities.

Then, we began working on the video, selecting the days and different settings to record our video. We recorded the first part of our video at the school and went to Kisha’s home to record some more scenes. Recording the video was a lot of work but we had some great laughs during the process.

The video editing software, Corel Studio Pro x3, was used to edit the video but, oh my, I was lost and felt so bad that I couldn’t use the software. My group members, who were better at using this software, did the editing and I shared ideas that help towards editing the video.

Finally, a blog had to be created to post and share the video. I thought to myself, “oh no, another technology application. But after, our lecture explained; what the blog is and how to create one, I was excited about having a blog and commenting on the blog of others.  I got help from my group members to create my Google account in order for me to access the blog.

Despite, the hard work and sleepless nights, we had some fun working on the assignment. Well done team “Hygiene”.