Saturday, 7 December 2013

Lesson Plan


Grade level:  Grade 1

Age:  6 - 7 years

Number of students: 18

Subject:  Heath and Family Life

Topic:  Personal Hygiene

Sub topic:  Personal Hygiene Rules

Duration of lesson:  40 minutes



Students should be able to:

  1.   Explain the concept of personal hygiene.

  2.  Identify ways to develop good personal hygiene after viewing a video.

  3.  Discuss the effects of poor personal hygiene.

  4.  Develop an appreciation for personal hygiene and techniques to put it into practice.


Previous Knowledge:

1.      Knowledge of daily routine

2.      Knowledge of Self esteem



Personal Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. In order to keep the body healthy one must:

1.      Wash their hands after using the bathroom.

2.      Brush their teeth at least twice a day.

3.      Wash the hair at least every two weeks to prevent dandruff and lice.

Poor Personal Hygiene causes:

1.      Bad breath

2.      Bad odour

3.      Diseases


Rationale/ Significance:

This lesson endeavors to sensitize students in practicing good hygiene which will be critical in achieving good health.


Materials:  Projector, screen, laptop, video, blank paper, pictures, floss, toothpaste, brush, shampoo, comb, nail cutter and soap.


Instructional Methods


The teacher will ask, “Have you ever come across or sat next to someone who had bad breath or a bad smell?” Students will then be given the opportunity to share personal experiences and observations with their peers and teacher following the teacher’s prompt.


The teacher will present the students with two pictures; one with a vagrant and one with a well-groomed individual. Students will be given the opportunity to make comparisons between the two. Students can then individually say who they would like to be and give responses as to what they think personal hygiene is.



Step one:

The teacher will instruct students that they are going to view the story about a boy named Lester to identify some of the bad practices and how it affected him.


Step two:

Students will be called randomly to share some bad practices that were portrayed in the video. The teacher will write their responses on the board. Next, the teacher will model reading the responses, then students will read along with the teacher the second time.


Step three:

Students will identify the effects of poor personal hygiene portrayed in the video via promptings from the teacher.


Step four:

Students will assume the role of the doctor and provide Lester with some good practices that he can follow to treat his problem.


Step five:

Students will be placed in groups of five. Each group will be given one of the following items: floss, toothpaste, brush, shampoo, comb, nail cutter or soap. Students will then create a sales pitch for an advertisement highlighting the use of the product to potential customers in order to emphasize their importance and value.  



Students will sing the personal hygiene song to emphasise some the main points on the lesson. 



Students will be given pictures of both good and bad hygienic practices and will categorize them in their booklets under the headings Good Personal Hygiene and Bad Personal Hygiene. They will also write a sentence or word to describe the pictures.



  1. Do you think this is sufficient time to complete the lesson plan?

  2. i think it can go for 40 minutes.

  3. Also, try to leave space in between headings to make it more readable

  4. Yes, the lesson time should be extended. Good.

  5. Ensure that your lesson plan has an appropriate title or in the event that you keep the title that you have, please insert the capital letters for you title.
